Armchair classics – the drivers of change in our lives
Designer watches, cars, bags, clothes – signature products, we are used to them. But if someone says “armchair with a signature”, we stop and wonder: “Is it really necessary? What does that even mean, the ordinary armchair I’m sitting in?”
A great designer, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, said long ago: “The armchair is a rather difficult object. The skyscraper is almost simpler.” And indeed, whether we call it an armchair or a recliner, it has the same function – when we sit in it we have to feel comfortable, the body has to be in a perfect position to free the mind. In addition, it stands in our interior – it is the first thing we see, it is quite large compared to a watch or a bag – which means that it must be pleasing to the eye. Masterfully crafted. Long-lasting. Comfortable. Luxurious. Timeless… Here we come to the need behind why it must have a signature. There are some legendary armchairs like the Barcelona by the aforementioned Ludwig van der Rohe or the Egg chair by Arne Jacobsen, LC4 signed by Le Corbusier. And there are some that become a legend, such as the Bevel by Mirko Miličić.

It is designed to be extremely ergonomically comfortable, made of solid wood that brings us closer to the original values, airy and elegant, while at the same time solid and robust. This is the Bevel, the Bevel armchair.
It conquers with a poetic backrest that seems to float, as though nothing were holding it to the ground, and yet it is there to hold our backs. And the name, Bevel, which means slope, incline, plane evokes all the energy charge with which it was created, first of all in the deep feelings of the designer, and later with the skilful hand of a master carpenter. Hands did most of the work in its production, which makes us very proud; the master literally listened to it, touched it, hugged it, almost kissed it so that the wood would be as smooth as silk, firm as a rock.

Yes, it deserves to be included among luxury products, among those with a signature. It is now completely clear. And visible. Just try it – like us, you will find it to be a cult armchair, recliner, a sculpture in space.